Positive parenting means that we teach and guide our children. Because every child is different, this means that we need many parenting strategies in order to be effective. Try some of these tips to help guide and teach your children:

  • Use “I statements”
    Tell your children how you feel and what you expect from them. For example: “Jake, I feel frustrated when you leave your toys all over the floor, and I need you to pick them up and put them away before dinner time.”
  • Pick your battles
    Sometimes we are our own worst enemy! Before taking on a conflict with your kids, decide if it is really worth the time and energy you’re putting into it. If they want to wear mismatched clothes to school, will it hurt them or someone else? Find a way to let the small things go so that you don’t run out of energy when the important issues come up.
  • Use consequences
    Natural consequences, taking away privileges, and firm family rules are excellent ways to manage behavior without yelling or hitting. Many of us need to learn these techniques from someone else since they don’t often come naturally. Take parenting classes, ask other parents who you respect, and read parenting books to get ideas that will work for your family.
  • Reward good behavior
    It may seem oversimplified, but it’s true… rewarding good behavior is the best way to get more good behavior. Kids love your attention. Lavish it on them when they aren’t misbehaving!
  • Remember their age.
    Often ignoring behavior or redirecting the child to another, better activity is the best way to stop something you don’t like, especially for young children.