The Child Care Aware Grants Program is available to all early childhood programs to help fund supplies, equipment,
technology and professional development.
Emergency Grants may also be available year-round to help cover costs associated with emergency situations
based on the availability of funding. See guide and application below.
Startup Grants are available year-round depending on funding to cover items required to open a child care license
and to help cover startup costs. See guide and application below.
Regional Grants are offered annually and are awarded on a competitive basis to qualified child care programs.
Grant applications are available September 1 of each year and must be submitted by September 25 for
consideration. Applications are available in your Organization Profile on the Develop website. See guide below.
Click here for the complete list of Develop ‘How To’ guides.
Emergency Grants
Emergency Grants are available to assist existing programs who have been affected by an emergency that directly affects their ability to provide care. Emergencies include natural disasters such as floods and tornadoes, weather-related damage not covered by homeowners or business insurance such as frozen pipes or hail, and other unforeseen circumstances.
Funding may be limited and must adhere to requirements as other all the Child Care Services grants.
Startup Grants
Startup Grants are now available to recently licensed or soon-to-be licensed programs. Grants may also be available to programs that are expanding their child care license.
Startup grants cover items that are required to open your license including reimbursement for approved required training, Fire Marshal fees, and equipment and materials required to open a child care license.
Programs must have had their initial visit with their licensor before submitting an application. Applicants need to attach a letter of recommendation from their licensor with the application. All items requested should be included in the letter from the licensor (subject to Grant Administrator and Grant Committee approval).
If a program is in the process of getting licensed while a Startup Grant is awarded, they must submit a copy of the active license and their Develop KCF Learning Record (showing 12 hours of approved training) before reimbursement will be made.
Regional Grants
Are you looking for grant money to advance your professional development or to help purchase curriculum and assessment tools? Do you need to meet health and safety requirements or enhance your learning environment? These are the types of improvements to child care programs made possible by the Child Care Aware Regional Grants Program. Regional Grants are available for any early childhood program or provider who is licensed, soon-to-be licensed, certified, or exempt from licensing to apply for each year from September 1-25.
Apply through Develop!
Applicants must have an active Develop Membership and registered Organization profile with completed tabs. If you do not have an active Develop membership and Organization profile, please go to Develop’s Home Page -> How do I… -> and look at the How-To Guides relating to Organizational Profiles.
Grantees will be required to complete 12 hours of approved training. The cost of participating in this required training is the grantee’s responsibility. This expense may be included as part of the grant application. The timeline for completing the training requirement will be outlined in your award letter if you receive this grant. The required training must be approved on Develop.
Four of the 12 hours of the required training must be in the Knowledge and Competency Framework (KCF) areas of III, IX, and/or X.
For information on types of items that would be approved for the grant and the grants amounts, please read the Grant Application Guide below.
Programs MUST read the Grant Application Guide and use it to complete the online Application.
Do not apply before September 1st or after September 25th. Early or late applications will be denied.
Receipts must be legible and include:
- Date purchased
- Where item was purchased (store name)
- What was purchased
- Cost of item(s)
- Total amount
- Where item was shipped (if shipping was used), include name and address
- Proof of payment